Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Begone" is completely addictive.

Well I just got done playing Begone for the last 6 hours. I am not that good yet but getting better. One thing I learned today, which you should do if your new, is go into your options and set the sight to "Stay". It makes aiming a lot easier! If you want full screen you can just hit "F". Go check my new favorite game out. It's at It uses the Unity player so you might have to allow it to install the plug-in. Unity is safe so don't worry. They also have an awesome forum called the Begone Brotherhood, it's at I suppose I should try to get some sleep, lol.


  1. 1. We’ve posted two videos so far, I believe Free Browser MMORPG . I’m not in either of them. We’re going to mostly play games in groups of two or three; the four of us will probably only be together during party games like Smash Bros. I have my own plan for a solo LP, and our new capture card just might allow me to follow through with it.

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